FE “Toplica” Kuršumlija

Forest Estate “Toplica” Kuršumlija

Vuka Karadžića bb, Kuršumlija

Tel. No.: +381 27 381 325; +381 027 381 317

Fax No.: +381 27 381 325

E-mail: sgkursumlija@srbijasume.rs

Director of Forest Estate: Jelena Krsmanović, BSc in Forestry

Forest Estate Organization

Forest Estate “Toplica” is organized in three (3) Forest Administrations and one (1)Work Unit. Within the Forest Estate there is one (1) nursery, four (4) protected areas, two (2) hunting grounds and one (1) fishery area.

Forest Estate – Basic Data for Year 2024

1. Total surface area – wooded & unwooded (ha)


2. Forest area – wooded land (ha)


3 Total timber volume (m3)


4. Average timber volume (m3/ha)


5. Total volume increment (m3)


6. Average volume increment (m3/ha)


7. Planned yield – 10 years (m3)


8. Planning of timber volume production (m3)


9. Professional-advisory service activities in forests owned by natural/legal persons (ha)


FA Kuršumlija

Banjska bb, Kuršumlija

Tel. No.: +381 27 381 385; +381 27 380 470


FA Prokuplje

XXI Srpske Divizije, Prokuplje

Теl. No.: +381 27 322 767; +381 27 321 709


FA Blace

Radoša Jovanovića Selje, Blace

Tel. No.: +381 27 371 265


Forest Administrations – Basic Data for Year 2024


Surface area (ha) Volume (m3) Average timber volume (m3/ha) Volume increment (m3) Average volume increment (m3/ha) Yield – 10 years (m3)
Kuršumlija 34.060,77 6.653.117,4 195,3 165.543,9 4,9 1.036.035,5
Prokuplje 20.997,86 4.313.004,0 205,4 121.366,7 5,8 618.004,5
Blace 8.091,98 2.183.593,6 269,8 53.449,1 6,6 334.558,5

WU for Building & Road Construction

Palih Boraca bb, Kuršumlija

Теl. No.: +381 27 380 124