Landscapes of Outstanding Features

A Landscape of ​​Exceptional Features is an area of ​​recognizable appearance with significant natural, biological-ecological, aesthetic and cultural-historical values, which over time has evolved as a result of the interaction of nature, natural potentials of the area and the traditional way of life of the local population (Article 33 of the Law on Nature Protection “Official Gazette of the RS”, Nos. 36/09, 88/10, 91/10 – correction 14/16 and 95/18 – other law).

Landscape of Outstanding Features “Kosmaj”

Landscape of Outstanding Features “Avala”

Landscape of Outstanding Features “Lepterija – Sokograd”

Landscape of Outstanding Features “Kamena Gora”

Landscape of Outstanding Features “Ozren – Jadovnik”

Landscape of Outstanding Features “Tatko’s Pit-house”

Landscape of Outstanding Features “Mountain Cer”



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