FE “Severni Kučaj” Kučevo

Forest Estate “Severni Kučaj“ Kučevo

Trg Veljka Dugoševića 26, Kučevo

Tel. No.: +381 12 851 911; +381 12 851 978

Fax No.: +381 12 852 171

E-mail: sgkucevo@srbijasume.rs

Director of Forest Estate: Zoran Pešić, BSc in Forestry

Forest Estate Organization

Forest Estate “Severni (North) Kučaj” is organized in four (4) Forest Administrations. Within the Forest Estate there are two (2) nurseries, one (1) protected area, one (1) hunting ground and one (1) fishery area.

Forest Estate – Basic Data for Year 2024

1. Total surface area – wooded & unwooded (ha) 58.804,94
2. Forest area – wooded land (ha) 54.276,42
3. Total timber volume (m3) 12.719.644,0
4. Average timber volume (m3/ha) 234,3
5. Total volume increment (m3) 288.586,5
6. Average volume increment (m3/ha) 5,3
7. Planned yield – 10 years (m3) 2.493.033,1
8. Planning of timber volume production (m3) 166.281
9. Professional-advisory service activities in forests owned by natural/legal persons (ha) 76.017

FA Kučevo

Trg Veljka Dugoševića 26, Kučevo

Теl. No.: +381 12 852 171


FA Majdanpek

Karađorđeva 24, Majdanpek

Теl. No.: +381 30 581 276


FA Žagubica

Partizanska 36, Žagubica

Теl. No.: +381 12 443 225; +381 12 443 432


FA Požarevac

Moše Pijade 14, Požarevac

Теl. No.: +381 12 211 327


Forest Administrations – Basic Data for Year 2024          

Name Surface area (ha) Volume (m3) Average timber volume (m3/ha) Volume increment (m3) Average volume increment (m3/ha) Yield – 10 years (m3)
Kučevo 18.090,15 4.723.354,2 261,1 107.906,5 6,0 879.062,7
Majdanpek 16.480,18 4.674.892,1 283,7 99.847,7 6,1 690.875,9
Žagubica 13.979,19 2.591.416,0 185,4 59.760,9 4,3 494.540,5
Požarevac 5.726,90 729.981,7 127,5 21.071,4 3,7 428.554,0