Growing Stock
Serbia is considered a medium-forested country. According to the 2009 National Forest Inventory of the Republic of Serbia, the total forest area in Serbia amounts to 2,252,400 ha, which is 29.1% of the country’s total land area. Of this, 1,194,000 ha or 53% is state-owned, and 1,058,400 ha or 47% is privately owned.
The forest cover in Serbia (29.1%) is close to the world level (30%) and much below the European level (estimated at 46%). It is close to that of Romania (28.0%), Spain (28.8%), France and Greece (27.9%). The forest cover percentage, as compared to the reference year of 1979, has increased by 5.2%, which has certainly had a positive impact on the state and quality of the environment as a whole. The forest area in Serbia, with regard to the population, is 0.3 ha per capita.
SE “Srbijašume” manages state forests and forest land on a total area of 892,707.39 ha (state of the growing stock as of Mar 1st, 2024) and performs professional-advisory service activities in forests owned by natural/legal persons on a surface of 1,222,624 ha, which covers about 3.4 million cadastral parcels and about 1,000,000 owners.