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(Srpski) На Свесрпском сабору потписан Меморандум о сарадњи ЈП “Србијашуме” и ЈП “Шуме Републике Српске”
Saturday June 8th, 2024
(Srpski) Обележен Светски дан заштите животне средине
Thursday June 6th, 2024
(Srpski) Обележен Међународни дан шума
Thursday March 28th, 2024

State Enterprise "Srbijašume"

State Enterprise "Srbijašume" manages state forests and forest lands on a surface area of 892.707 ha. Since its establishment, Enterprise operations have been directed towards meeting society’s needs and the requirements given the times we live in. In regard to its development, the Enterprise strives to be modern, market-oriented and profitable. Its business strategy, mission and vision are in compliance with the plans and policies of the Government of the Republic of Serbia.

Enterprise objectives are complex and result from the fact that forests represent just a conditionally renewable natural resource and a common good, and that they need to be managed by following the principles of sustainable use. Such forest management implies the alignment of business activities with growing environmental and social requirements. Enterprise employees are obliged to manage forests as "good hosts", taking into account forest cultivation, protection and utilization.

under Forest & Forest Land


under Forest


with Professional-Advisory Services for Private Forest Owners


Protected Areas


Hunting Grounds


Fishery Areas